How the process of finding mnemonic phrases for BTC wallets works with AI Seed Phrase Finder

The first step in the AI Seed Phrase Finder program is optimizing the process of generating seed phrases. Instead of enumerating all possible combinations of words from a dictionary, the program uses an AI model that predicts the most probable combinations of words that a valid mnemonic phrase should consist of. The model is based on the studied dependencies between known seed phrases and Bitcoin wallets, which reduces the number of combinations that would need to be checked by the user when using the “classic Brute Force method”.

Furthermore, the AI Seed Phrase Finder uses parallel data processing to speed up the process: the task is divided into multiple parts that are processed simultaneously on different servers. This significantly reduces the task execution time and greatly improves the program’s efficiency.

Optimizing the artificial intelligence model is another important step in the AI Seed Phrase Finder program’s algorithm, as the AI optimizes the model’s parameters to improve its speed and efficiency. In some cases, the program may need to use lighter models and apply other optimization methods to speed up the data processing process. This is described in more detail later in this same article.

AI Seed Phrase Finder utilizes pre-trained models, saving time and computational resources required to train a model from scratch. Pre-trained models have already been trained on a large volume of data, ensuring high accuracy in predicting correct word combinations in seed phrases and speeding up the program’s workflow.

One of the key features of AI Seed Phrase Finder is the use of various machine learning algorithms and methods. For example, the program can use genetic algorithms if necessary, to effectively explore the space of possible word combinations and select the most suitable options. This enables achieving optimal results in the shortest possible time.

For distributed computing and execution of tasks on multiple servers, AI Seed Phrase Finder utilizes powerful frameworks such as Apache Spark and TensorFlow. This allows tasks to be divided into multiple parts and executed concurrently on multiple servers, significantly enhancing program performance.

An important component of the AI Seed Phrase Finder project is the use of specialized hardware with graphics processing units (GPUs) to accelerate computations. These processors have high computational power and immense potential for processing parallel computations. This enables the program to quickly analyze and process large volumes of data, reducing the time required to perform tasks such as generation, search, and validation of seed phrases for wallet addresses.

Using cloud servers is another important aspect of the absolute superiority of the AI Seed Phrase Finder program over any similar software that can be found on the Internet and only works on the user’s PC (without using additional equipment, the user can spend weeks or even months searching for the desired seed phrases for real BTC wallets). Cloud servers provide flexibility and scalability of resources, which allows for efficient use of computing power to process a large volume of data. As a result, the program uses a large number of servers for parallel data processing, which leads to maximum speed in finding the correct seed phrase, based on the user’s specified search criteria (this is primarily necessary to ensure the program’s operation in Target search mode).

Real time process of finding seed phrases for lost BTC wallets with AI Seed Phrase Finder tool

AI Seed Phrase Finder is a powerful tool that combines mathematical algorithms and AI methods, as well as specialized equipment, including cloud servers with GPU, to achieve maximum efficiency and high speed of searching and verifying seed phrases for validity and positive balance using multiple simultaneous requests to the blockchain from different servers.

This program allows you to quickly regain lost access to your digital assets, even if you only know part of the seed phrase (for example, if you have only half of the paper on which the entire seed phrase was written, or if part of the mnemonic phrase text is damaged and cannot be identified in any way).

For a simplified understanding of the program’s operation scheme, it is worth highlighting the key terms:


  • Algorithm – this is called a clear sequence of actions, the execution of which leads to the achievement of an expected result. Simply put, it’s a set of instructions for a program that contains mechanisms for implementing a given task. This term is widely used in computer science and computer programs;
  • Methodology – is a set of actions that need to be taken to solve a given problem or achieve a specific goal.

It is also important to note that cryptocurrency is not stored in wallets. All information is recorded in the blockchain. Even if access to the wallet is lost, the data on which the funds can be used will still be stored in the shared digital chain, and control over digital assets can be obtained using a seed phrase.

From here comes the term “seed phrase”. This is a combination of characters used to recover access to a wallet. We are talking about a set of 12 words that open a private key. A list of 2048 English words is used for guessing, which are given in the document Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 3 (BIP39 standard – more about working with it later). This format is used in all popular cryptocurrency wallets, including bitcoin wallets, such as Electrum.

The seed phrase is created on the user’s device when registering a wallet. It remains unchanged throughout the entire life of the cryptocurrency wallet. At the same time, the words from the BIP39 dictionary are not connected by a common root and are not related by the first 4 characters. Therefore, the chance of guessing or guessing them is significantly reduced.

A mnemonic phrase is not just a random set of words. To gain access, you need to enter all the words in a specific sequence – the one in which it was originally created. The AI Seed Phrase Finder program performs a complex selection of these seed phrases, opening access to users’ lost wallets. The mechanism uses sophisticated algorithms and methods, allowing it to leverage all available modern resources to achieve the result.

Main algorithm of operation of the AI Seed Phrase Finder program

The algorithm of operation of the AI Seed Phrase Finder implies the use of different techniques for generating mnemonic phrases using artificial intelligence and filtering wallets with zero balance. It is necessary to highlight some features of the program:

  • Optimization of seed phrase generation. Instead of iterating through all possible combinations of words from the dictionary, the program uses an AI model that predicts the most probable sequences. It learns known dependencies between seed phrases and bitcoin wallets. This allows reducing the number of iterated combinations.
  • Parallel processing. The task is divided into several parts, which are processed simultaneously on different servers. This allows optimizing resources and finding “user-required” seed phrases faster.
  • Optimization of artificial intelligence. The program adjusts the used model, taking into account the parameters of the task. Depending on the level of complexity, simplified calculations and additional data processing methods can be used.
  • This unique software uses pre-trained models. This allows to reduce the time required for data processing and speed up the process of generating seed phrases based on already tested AI models.
  • To ensure high speed performance, AI Seed Phrase Finder program uses remote servers with graphics processing units (GPUs), which provide access to greater power and are capable of efficiently performing parallel computations, unlike central processing units (CPUs).
  • The server part of this software integrates distributed systems Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark). This allows the implementation of phrase enumeration on multiple nodes simultaneously, dividing the computational load.
  • The use of cloud servers. This provides flexibility and scalability of the system. The program can utilize multiple servers for parallel data processing when needed (especially important for fast performance in Target search mode).

Using innovative approaches and artificial intelligence, the AI Seed Phrase Finder program accelerates the process of generating and validating seed phrases. Implementing this technology requires much less time while ensuring greater computational accuracy. The program operates on a revolutionary algorithm, dividing the task into stages for maximum efficiency. Ordinary software created with outdated algorithms cannot provide the same results as the AI Seed Phrase Finder program. Given the complexity of generating mnemonic phrases, it is practically impossible to find them without a self-learning model on a regular personal computer using the programs that are already widespread on the Internet.

Algorithm of operation of the AI Seed Phrase Finder program

Basic methods of data processing by the AI Seed Phrase Finder program for finding seed phrases for wallets with “positive” balances.

To find seed phrases, private and public keys, AI Seed Phrase Finder software uses different methods based on artificial intelligence technologies that successfully perform complex automatic calculations without user involvement, such as:

  • Genetic algorithms;
  • Machine learning;
  • Genetic programming.

There is also an extensive list of auxiliary techniques that are applied in the calculation process. All of them are described below for clarity. The program combines and integrates various methods based on the complexity of the task and the specific parameters and search conditions.

The genetic algorithm is a heuristic optimization method. It is based on the principles of natural selection and population evolution. The use of genetic algorithms allows for generating random combinations of seed phrases, evaluating their quality based on predefined criteria, and efficiently iterating the population for further selection of mnemonic phrases to recover access to Bitcoin wallets with potentially non-zero balances. The workflow of this method looks like this:

  • A “random population of seed phrases” is created, which represents certain combinations of words. These combinations are called genotypes. Then each genotype is evaluated based on a criterion such as having a positive balance in the wallet.
  • At the next step, the best genotypes are selected based on their evaluations. This is done using “selection operators” that give preference to genotypes with higher ratings.
  • Then comes the crossover operation, where the selected genotypes are combined to create a new generation of genotypes. In this process, there is an exchange of genetic information between genotypes, which allows for new combinations of seed phrases to be obtained. After crossover, the “mutation” operation occurs, which randomly modifies some genes in the genotypes of the new generation. This helps introduce diversity and explore more possible combinations of mnemonic phrases.

The process of mutation and crossover is repeated several times, creating new generations of genotypes. Each generation is evaluated, and the best genotypes are passed on to the next generation. The AI algorithm continues its computations until the specified stopping conditions are met. This is necessary to find a specific number of word combinations. The genetic algorithm allows for obtaining valid seed phrases that “unlock” access to “promising” wallets with “non-zero balances.”

An example of the genetic algorithm at work in the process of generating seed phrases by the program:

  • Suppose a database population of 100 million randomly generated seed phrases, combined from the words in the BIP-39 dictionary, is created on the server. The program needs to find a sequence of words that unlocks access to a Bitcoin wallet with a positive balance.
  • At the first stage of the calculation, each phrase from this database will be evaluated according to the specified criterion: namely, the balance of the wallet to which the combination of 12 words provides access. The possible values of the wallet balance can only be “positive” or “zero”.
  • Then the algorithm selects the “best” mnemonic phrases with positive balances for crossing. For example, let’s take two best seed phrases and cross them, exchanging parts of the genotypes.

After crossing, the mutation operation occurs, where some genes in the new genotypes are randomly changed. For example, one of the seed phrases may randomly replace one random word with another. Thus, the program creates a new generation of mnemonic phrases, which are evaluated by AI algorithms based on the balance of the wallet. The best mnemonic phrases are passed on to the next generation, and the process is repeated again. The starting point of the program module since its launch is the validation of a set of fresh seed phrase populations selected by a genetic algorithm for testing the new population of mnemonic phrases.

The Role of Machine Learning Methods in AI Seed Phrase Finder Program

Machine learning methods, such as neural networks or reinforcement learning algorithms, are used to create models that can “predict the correct seed phrases” based on available data.

The process of training the model starts with a dataset containing known valid mnemonic phrases and their corresponding wallet balances. These data are divided into training and testing sets.

A neural network is created using layers of neurons that take input data, such as seed phrase words, and output a prediction (presumably the wallet balance). Neurons in the layers are connected by “weights” that determine the degree of influence each neuron has on the next layer.

During the training process, the “weights of the neural network” are adjusted in such a way as to minimize prediction error. This is achieved by optimizing the loss function, which measures the difference between predicted and actual values.

After the model training is completed, it can be used to predict non-zero wallet balances based on new seed phrases. For example, if we have generated a new mnemonic phrase, such a model can predict the likely positive balance of the wallet.

Example: Let’s say we have a dataset consisting of seed phrases and their corresponding wallet balances. We split this data into a training set (80% of the data) and a test set (20% of the data).

We are creating a neural network with multiple layers of neurons. The input layer takes seed phrase words, hidden layers process this data, and the output layer predicts that the wallet balance will be greater than zero.

Then we train the model by feeding the training dataset as input and adjusting the weights of the neural network to minimize prediction error. We repeat this process several times using an optimization method such as stochastic gradient descent.

After completing the model training, we test its accuracy on a test dataset. We feed the test dataset as input to the model and compare the predicted balances with the actual values. For example, the model predicts a probable “positive” wallet balance for a seed phrase and compares it to the actual balance in the Bitcoin wallet.

Application of Genetic Programming in AI Seed Phrase Finder software

Genetic programming is a method that uses genetic algorithms to evolve AI generator module programs that can create new seed phrases. This method allows for the automatic generation and improvement of existing seed phrases without manual tuning.

The process of genetic programming starts with creating a random population of programs that can generate seed phrases. Programs are represented as trees, where each node represents an operation or function.

Next, each program is evaluated based on a pre-defined criterion, such as checking the wallet balance for a balance greater than zero. Software that generate seed phrases with positive balances receive higher scores.

Next, the crossover operation takes place, where the selected programs are combined by exchanging parts of their trees. For example, one program can pass its mnemonic phrase generation function to another program.

After crossover, the mutation operation occurs, where some parts of the trees in the new programs are randomly changed. For example, one of the programs can randomly add a new operation to its tree.

AI Seed Phrase Finder