Mechanism and algorithm of operation of “AI-Mode” and AI_Target_Search_Mode in “AI Seed Phrase Finder”

The first mode “AI_MODE” in the program “AI Seed Phrase Finder & BTC balance checker tool for Windows PC” is designed for automatic generation of unique seed phrases for Bitcoin wallets and subsequent balance checking on them. This function is developed for Bitcoin enthusiasts who are searching for existing wallets and want to find out information about their balance access and “more…”.

The algorithm of operation of mode 1 “AI_MODE” consists of the following steps:

  1. The program generates seed phrases that can be associated with Bitcoin wallets. Seed phrases consist of 12 words chosen from a specific dictionary. Various combinations are created from this dictionary to obtain a variety of options.
  2. The generated seed phrases undergo a validation process using specific algorithms. This allows invalidly formed seed phrases to be excluded and focus only on potentially functioning Bitcoin wallets.
  3. After the validation, the program analyzes each seed phrase for the presence of funds in the Bitcoin wallet. To do this, it connects to the Bitcoin blockchain network and uses special requests to obtain information about the balance of each wallet.
  4. To successfully filter and search for seed phrases of Bitcoin wallets with a positive balance, this software system applies efficient and optimized algorithms. Its functioning is carried out alongside the use of special Bitcoin blockchain network APIs, which provide access to balance information for each wallet. The software system efficiently processes a multitude of seed phrases, verifying their validity and requesting balance information only for wallets that have successfully passed previous filters. This significantly increases the speed of the search and filtering process, saving time and resources.

How does the second mode, “AI_Target_Search_Mode” of the “AI Seed Phrase Finder” program, work?

The second mode of the “AI_Target_Search_Mode” program was created to find a unique 12-word phrase needed to recover a specific bitcoin wallet, such as “your wealthy Boss”. Users can also use this mode to search for old abandoned wallets that may contain a large amount of bitcoins.

To find a mnemonic phrase based on partially known words, “AI_Target_Search_Mode” applies various mathematical and other methods. The program analyzes the entered words and generates possible combinations, excluding incorrect options as it searches.

Using artificial intelligence, the program’s algorithm relies on a database that contains mnemonic phrases in the correct order. The algorithm checks the known words against this database and reduces the number of possible combinations.

When the mnemonic phrase is searched in random order, the algorithm iterates through all possible combinations and compares them with the database. This process is based on an efficient search algorithm that uses various mathematical methods to speed up the process.

The “AI_Target_Search_Mode” program allows users to discover the mnemonic phrase to recover a specific bitcoin wallet and gain access to its contents. This can be useful for finding abandoned wallets that may contain large amounts of bitcoins. Recovering such wallets can bring significant benefits to users and provide access to “long-forgotten assets” in the cryptocurrency space.

Real examples of how to find or obtain part of the seed phrase for a “fat bitcoin wallet”

In order to use the “AI_Target_Search_Mode” mode, you will need to find out by any possible means a part of the words from the seed phrase of the wallet to which you want to gain full access. Here logic, life experience, and these certain examples will help you:

  1. Social engineering: the use of deception or manipulation to obtain information from the subject.
  2. Phishing attack: creating fake websites or emails that aim to obtain personal data from the victim.
  3. Installing malware on the victim’s computer to intercept the words entered by it, for example, any keylogger.
  4. Using weak passwords or reused passwords to gain access to other victim’s accounts. The databases are easy to find on the Darknet.
  5. Hacking other online platforms that may store account information or target passwords. Such information is also sold on specialized forums
  6. Sniffing network traffic to detect information about wallets or target passwords.
  7. Using malware to capture keyboard input data from the target (hypothetical victim).
  8. Using open information about the target, such as date of birth or place of work, to attempt to guess their password.
  9. Bribing or blackmailing the target to obtain a password or part of a seed phrase.
  10. Hacking the target’s email and using the available data to obtain part of a seed phrase.
  11. Using social networks to search for information about the target that can help in guessing a password or part of a seed phrase.
  12. Interception of SMS messages or other forms of communication containing wallet or password information.
  13. Identification of vulnerabilities or weaknesses in wallet security to gain access to part of the seed phrase.
  14. Physical access to the victim’s computer or device to obtain information about wallets and passwords.
  15. Use of malware to intercept secret keys from the victim, providing access to the seed phrase.

Target Mode description

So why is it beneficial for a user to purchase any version of this program and use the mass search mode? The answer is simple. The program uses artificial intelligence to analyze and scan a large number of seed phrases associated with Bitcoin wallets. As a result, the program can find wallets with remaining Bitcoins, which the user can then withdraw to their own wallet.

Upon completion of the “AI Seed Phrase Finder & BTC balance checker tool for Windows PC” program in bulk seed phrase generation mode, you will have an “Output” file containing multiple presumed seed phrases for different Bitcoin wallets. To utilize the contents of this file and access the available funds in these wallets, please follow these steps:

In bulk generation mode:

  • Open the file “AI_Wallets_Seed.log” in the “Output” directory and review the list of seed phrases generated by the program.
  • Select the desired seed phrase to use. This could be a phrase for your own Bitcoin wallet or for someone else’s wallet.
  • Install bitcoin wallet software using the found seed phrase, for example the “Electrum” application. Read the instructions for the software to learn how to add a new wallet using the seed phrase or watch a video tutorial on the YouTube channel. Finding it won’t be difficult using a regular search query with the program name.
  • After adding the wallet to the software, you will be able to access the funds associated with that wallet. Study the software instructions to learn how to transfer bitcoins from this wallet to another (a very simple method of covering tracks that few people know about. For Premium users of the program, the instructions are provided as a bonus).

If you are using the “AI_Target_Search_Mode”:

  • Open the file generated by the program located in the “Output” folder and find the list of mnemonic phrases consisting of 12 words.
  • Please clarify whether you are familiar with any words from the list or if you believe they are included in the mnemonic phrase you are looking for. If yes, then confidently enter them in the respective input field in the program interface.
  • Launch the program “AI_Seed Phrase Finder & BTC balance checker Tool for Windows PC” in “AI_Target_Search_Mode”. Enter known or presumed words as input.
  • The program will search and analyze hundreds of thousands or even billions of potential combinations of mnemonic phrases to find the one you are looking for, without taking up much time.
  • When the program finds a mnemonic phrase that meets the specified criteria, it will display it on the screen and write it to the text file “Target_FinderGen.log” located in the “Output” directory. You can use this mnemonic phrase to recover the Bitcoin wallet associated with it and access the funds in it.

Please note that it is illegal to use found seed phrases without the permission of their owners. It is recommended to use the “AI Seed Phrase Finder & BTC balance checker tool for Windows PC” program only for legitimate purposes and with the written permission of the Bitcoin wallet owner.

Easy way to find lost BTC wallets with AI seed phrase Finder

AI Seed Phrase Finder